Back to school…

September 3, 2013

back to work or just getting back to it. It’s September. Get up early…when everything is just  quieter and the earliest morning sun seems to shed a new type of light on everything…and sneak off to your favorite corner to size up the coming season. A sort of meditation on your upcoming projects and projects still waiting to spring off the starting blocks. Whether they be an interior focus, some gardening attention, the tackling of a new skill set or honing an existing one, each can benefit from a few uninterrupted moments of relaxation and free thought. Before the activities and responsibilities of the day take over, pick your spot , take a deep cleansing breath and see what new inspiration surfaces. And don’t forget, we still have 3 weeks of Summer to enjoy before the chill of Fall is actually upon us.

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Stack em up

July 14, 2012

Every now and again you find yourself in need of additional seating at the table. You know, an impromptu birthday bash, your dinner guests had guests in from out-of-town ( do you mind if?) , or…heaven forbid…you’re hosting                    THANKSGIVING. Time to bring in the reinforcements and the Bellini Chair by Kartel fits the bill perfectly. Lightweight, stackable and most importantly comfortable, these stackable Italian wonders work as beautifully with your collection of modern furnishings as they do complimenting your more traditional pieces. No need to feel guilty about or assaulting your aesthetic sensibilities  pulling out those folding chairs that have literally been a pain in the a** for decades. ( You know which ones. ) As a matter of fact, you might find these so appealing that you keep them out all year long, as pull-ups, home office task seating or an extra in the bedroom. Then, when the doorbell rings you’ll be well prepared to have your guests pull up a stylish seat.