Like It or Not

October 20, 2015

Well, I’m ” falling” into it without a fight. Fall that is. It’s been so much like Summer I had forgotten all about the change in seasons until today. Like someone flipping a switch the sky has grayed, the breeze has cooled and leaves have gone all red and golden. There is simplequietmodern Autumn inspiration around every turn.






Photos: gp



Blurring the Lines

July 6, 2014

With Summer here our natural inclination is to spend as much time as we can outdoors, bringing the indoors out with us for the duration of the season. In a slight reversal I like to blur the lines a little and bring some of what’s going on outside… in. Plucked straight from the pond, I float a few clusters of Water Hyacinths in large glass cylinder vases filled to the brim. Their other-worldly shapes and delicate roots show themselves off more as organic sculpture than water garden staple when presented in this simplequietmodern manner. If you’re lucky, with the right amount of light, they might even grace you with a bloom or two.



wtrhya 3