Like It or Not

October 20, 2015

Well, I’m ” falling” into it without a fight. Fall that is. It’s been so much like Summer I had forgotten all about the change in seasons until today. Like someone flipping a switch the sky has grayed, the breeze has cooled and leaves have gone all red and golden. There is simplequietmodern Autumn inspiration around every turn.






Photos: gp



It’s not orange,

September 30, 2012

but it still says Fall to me. For years I have opted for a Hubbard squash as a fall season decorative object. They are large in scale so you  can easily get by with one and make a statement, and, they are interesting…really… the color, the texture, the matte finish… they  present themselves more like an elegant clay sculpture than vegetation. You can’t go wrong with them grouped with your planted containers at the front door or set in the middle of your dining room table with the addition of some fruit, like these chartreuse Gingergold apples. A beautiful way to usher in Autumn…the fact that it will also end up as dinner, well, that’s just added value.